Thursday, August 27, 2009

Win movie tickets

Quickflix - a mail order dvd company - has a blog where you can post movie reviews. They've put up a competition where you can post reviews and win movie tickets. Anyone who wins a movie ticket will automatically get full marks for their movie review section of the report :)


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Movie actors as "signs"

Hi guys,

I'm at a seminar on Cyberbullying and the media. The presenter just put forward something you might be interested in (see what I'm doing? Learning stuff and passing it on - this is what you should be doing).

She is talking about stars versus movie actors.
There are actors who are just actors. And then there are actors that are stars.
A star is an actor who has become an icon, a symbol that represents something beyond their character. They might represent a set of actors. Or they might represent a certain genre.

So if I say Western, who are the actors you think of?

Conversely, if I say Bruce Willis, what genre do you immediately leap to?
Robert Englund?
Brad Pitt?
George Clooney?
Angeline Jolie?
George Lucas?
Quentin Tarantino?

This is why i asked you to add in people into your genre presentation.

and changing conventions. Someone from twenty years ago would freak out

Fade out. Fade in.
Then: time has passed.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Technical Movie Review - Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog

Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog

It's really difficult to explain a movie that is part musical, part comedy, part science fiction comedy. Oh, hey. I just did it. Some history: Joss Whedon and his brother decided during the Hollywood writers' strike to try something new: create a movie and release it for free on the Internet. Gain a following and then sell it, cheap, on iTunes. The actors worked for share, there were no distributors or corporations to pay. It was an astounding success.

So, Dr Horrible is a failed super villain. His dream is to become a member of the ELE - the Evil League of Evil. He is thwarted by 3 things: some faulty inventions, a basic compassion and respect for human life... and the superhero Captain Hammer - "corporate tool". With Bad Horse (the Thoroughbred of Sin and leader of the ELE) watching him to evaluate him for membership, Dr Horrible has to decide whether he will break his moral code to achieve his goals.

Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog is so named because the super villain keeps an online blog to communicate with his fans. This is an original and clever device that links the story together brilliantly. The writing is inspired. The music is catchy. Neil Patrick Harris (from How I Met Your Mother), Felicia Day (from Buffy and her own show, The Guild) and Nathan Fillion (Firefly and Serenity) make a perfect threesome of protagonist, antagonist and love interest.

Interestingly, though, the protagonist is the super villain, the antagonist is the super hero, and the love interest is a mousey red head with very little luck in love. Look at Dr Horrible, dressed all in white, and Captain Hammer, with his black gloves and t-shirt. And take the hint.

Joss Whedon has always been a master of comedy and characters. He is also an innovator when it comes to unusual camera angles. Even though he works mainly with television, he stays away from the old three shot sequence (over his shoulder, over her shoulder, both together in mid-shot). This is most evident at the start of Act II in the song On The Rise.

Dr Horrible, as his alter ego Billy, is followed through the first verse, his face stark against the darkness. The camera leads him slightly, keeping space in front of him as he walks, turns and looks through the window. As the verse ends, he steps backwards into darkness, a fantastic ending to the scene. Later in the song as he sings a duet with Penny (who he is stalking), the camera frames the two of them carefully, to have them both in shot.

Dr Horrible fits the musical genre due to it telling the story through song. The random choreography is hilarious, a classic example being when Bad Horse rings Dr Horrible and three cowboys jump into frame to sing the message. And a massive group number with crowds of people singing in unison for no apparent reason.

From the superhero side of things, we have the classic good guy/bad guy/damsel in distress combination. The rule breaking with the good guy being the villain just goes to cement the cliche in the superhero flick genre. And of course the bad guy with the alter ego and the crazy gadgets.

The music really is catchy. It's light-hearted and really adds to the on-screen action. An excellent example here is when Dr Horrible snaps. Pushed to the edge by Captain Hammer, he realises that he has it in him to be a really bad guy. Behind him, the music thrums - a swell of music and a blast of guitar music rips through the scene as the ferocity of his anger towards his nemesis comes to the fore. Up until this time, Dr Horrible is a reasonably moral person. Check this:

"This appeared as a moral dilemma
Cause at first it was weird though I swore to eliminate
The worst of the plague that devoured humanity
It's true I was vague on the how, so how can it be that you
Have shown me the light.
It's a brand new day and the sun is high
All the birds are singing that you're gonna die!"

The lyrics, coupled with the electric guitar riffs, signify a change in tone in the story.

Music, camerawork, acting and dialogue combine to make this one of the best movies I've seen in the past five years. And at a budget of under a hundred thousand $US, it shows that you don't need huge special effects to create a world-class movie.

And as for the experiment? Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog was No. 1 on the iTunes download list for 3 months, and is selling like hotcakes on Amazon. So there's hope for you budding directors out there.

Thursday's class

You're watching a movie - HOORAY!

And then you're writing a review of the movie - BOO!

But, the idea is: you watch the movie. You enjoy the movie. Then write a *technical* movie review, covering the following areas:
- basic review - good parts, bad parts, acting, directing
- genre review - how does it fit into the genre? which genre is it? what are the rules that it follows? what are the rules that it breaks?
- shots and angles review - describe how angles and framing is used to enhance the movie. Pick out two different scenes that use this to good effect and explain. - music and sound effects - how does music affect the viewing experience. give an example of how music is used in the film to provoke and emotional response from the viewer.

I'll post a similar review soon to give you a basis for the amount of detail I'm expecting.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Your first movie review. Guy movies!

OK. Here are a list of some movies that every young man should watch to be considered a man. Any others you think should be on the list?

The task: watch all of these movies... oh ok. Watch at least one of these movies before the 21st August and write a review of the movie on your blog.

Right: off the top of my head, without looking at any Internet lists:
1. Scarface
2. Godfather trilogy (counts as one, but if you're only watching one, watch the first one)
3. Platoon or Apocalypse Now
4. Rocky
5. Rambo
6. Terminator
7. Dirty Harry
8. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
9. Mad Max
10. Lethal Weapon
11. Die Hard (1 and 2)
12. Eddie Murphy's Delirious

Now for the professional's ideas:
  • The Princess Bride - don't knock it til you've seen it!
  • Animal House - in fact, any National Lampoon movie - they're made for men, but Animal House fer shure!
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Stand by Me
  • Enter the Dragon - Bruce Lee! How could I have missed that one!?!
  • Top Gun - One word: Iceman!
  • Braveheart
  • Caddyshack
  • Dr No
  • Fight Club
  • The Usual Suspects
  • Blade
  • Easy Rider
  • Fletch
  • The Blues Brothers
  • This is Spinal Tap
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • RoboCop
  • True Romance
  • Highlander
  • Porky's
There are plenty more, but these are the ones that it should be a crime not to have seen. So get watching and start reviewing.

Added to links page.

Take a look on the right. There's a link for the top 20 horror movies of the last however many years. Check 'em out. Comment below if you think there are better that aren't on the list.